Cobat TV videos are broadcast through the newsletters and the social media networks, with a visualization between 1,000 and 2,000 times, exceeding 10 thousand views for particularly important events.

The social media, Facebook and LinkedIn, represents fundamental communication channels for the Consortium, to promote new services, provide information to Members, disseminate the contents of the house organs Ottantadue and Cobat TV and publicize events and meetings. Thanks to a steady activity in involving public with news, curiosities and events, its fans and followers reached a number of over 4 thousand followers.

The weekly newsletter, which is particularly functional to the Consortium needs and spread among over 2 thousand contacts among companies, local authorities and institutions, allowed all stakeholders to remain up to date on the main industry news and Cobat’s activities.

Created to raise public environmental awareness in Italy, the house organ Ottantadue continues to be a classical two-months appointment for Cobat members, with information in the automotive, energy and environment, waste and innovation and technology sectors. In addition to being available for download from the website, the publication is sent free of charge by post, with a yearly run of 90 thousand copies.

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